Back to the Grind … or Welcome Back to Hell

I moved to Florida in June of 2007 with high hopes of a new life. My disposition was upbeat and sunny. After several trip-ups and a really pathetic Florida economy, my disposition isn’t nearly what it used to be. Fortunately, (or unfortunately, I’m not sure which is more appropriate) I won’t let the “bastards” get me down, I’ll pull myself up by my bootstraps, get a stiff upper lip, and all that jazz.

Knitting has been reflective of that attitude of “stick-to-it-iveness” (thanks Dad!) that I have had all my life. I have not been one to give up easily and without a sincere effort. My marriage was like that – with three kids and a home and a life that was built over 27 years, it wasn’t an easy decision to leave. That being said, one day the little light bulb turned on over my head  and I knew that there was no way to make it work any longer. Clarity can be a wonderful thing.

A couple of weeks ago I was working on a Christmas gift for “S” (ha! ha! you thought I’d give away one of my best-kept – at least until Christmas – secrets! I’m too smart for that!) and when my sweetie leaned in for a kiss, he mistakenly knocked over my coffee cup. I caught the cup before it broke but the splash was on my lovely “Aran” ivory yarn. Since I wasn’t too happy about leaving Maine anyway, and my mood was somewhat dark (picture Pigpen from the Snoopy comics … but my dust cloud was hanging over my head!) I blew a gasket. Threw my knitting into an alternate chair and stormed away. A few days later, not only did I return to said coffee-covered mess but I decided I would have an honest look at where I was and decide if I wanted to forge ahead or frog it. When I noticed a glaring mistake several rows back, I decided to frog and re-start the project (ha! and I still haven’t let the cat out of the bag about what I’m making for whom!).

Sometimes we get to choose a do-over whether in our knitting or in our lives. Do you have a do-over story? Do you need to choose a do-over in your life right now?

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