I have learned a great new provisional cast on.

I am beginning to knit a new pair of Footie Socks by Miriam Felton. I bought the pattern for these socks because I wear Dansko clogs a lot (A LOT!) and I like to wear socks with them so they don’t get sweaty and gross. I’ve tried the Turkish Bed Socks pattern with some mediocre success. Basically, the problem that I find is that the heel isn’t quite “tall” enough to stay on my heel and in the shoe. This new pattern, I decided to try when a bunch of my knitting friends also started chatting online about the pattern.

Anyway, the provisional cast on is the one that Miriam Felton suggests and she has made a lovely little Youtube video that I would love to share with you – this may be my new go-to provisional cast on! Get a length of scrap yarn (about the same “weight” as your project yarn) and give it a go!

It’s simple. I could manage it the first time and got my 12 stitches provisionally cast on. I’m getting better with the crochet hook and that surely helps. If I was trying to do this cast on and had no experience at all with crochet, it might take me a few tries! As she says at the end of the video, what’s really great about this cast on is that the stitches are oriented in the right direction so that you can just begin knitting with your project yarn.

Anyway … off I go into a new experience!

Gone knitting.