Jelly Roll Blanket

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

It was another beautiful clear day this morning and I enjoyed a bit of time with my coffee on the porch watching the lake. I am so looking forward to spending more time there this spring and summer … but it sounds like we are going to have to wait for a bit longer because we are going to have a Nor’Easter later this week. Ugh!

Just when I was getting used to the sunnier and warmer weather and was ready to move on from the winter … SO … this morning I was on a mission to get some food into our house, run my errands: drop off my car insurance payment, return a blouse to Old Navy, mail a photo to my brother in Massachusetts, deliver a form to move to another doctor’s practice, and pick up some bagels, etc. It was a productive morning and I’ll finish them off tomorrow morning when I go to pick UP the groceries.

I’ve been working on my Jelly Roll Blanket this afternoon. I am having some fun with this pattern. Partly because I’m finding little gems in my leftovers basket and partly because it feels good using up the bits and bobs and a little bit because it’s such a simple pattern. It’s a great one to work on while the TV is on.

My Basket of Leftovers

I’ve been collecting bits and bobs of fingering weight (and other weights, too) yarn since I started knitting. I “can’t” throw away yarn that may be useful down the road. A few yards of yarn can be used to hold stitches for a sleeve or for a provisional cast on or … well, you get the idea. As a result, I had a large tote bag full of yarns and a basket, too. I’ve pulled most of the scraps/leftovers and tossed them into my basket for this blanket. I’m also using a bag of fingering weight yarn that I bought when I thought I was going to dye yarn so I’m holding the scraps double with the white to “unify” the blanket. It’s still going to be very scrappy.

Starting the third strip in pastels

Today I started the third strip which means that I’ve completed two. I’m enjoying pulling balls of leftovers out of the basket randomly and adding them into the blanket. I can remember some of them; what they made, who I made something for. And some of them might as well have been pulled out of the stratosphere! I have no clue where they came from. Ha! Ha! But regardless, I’m making progress of making *ahem* 20 30 40 years of leftovers disappear. AND I’m making something that will keep me warm and make me smile.

This is a long-term project, however. I don’t have any intention of finishing it this month or even in the next couple of months. I have made a few minor changes to the blanket pattern because I found The Crazy Sock Lady who is making two of these blankets. Here is what she says about her changes (I’m following these steps):

CHANGES I made for a more crisp/neater join

First Strip: on EACH row
K 1st st through the back loop. Slip last st purlwise with the yarn in front.

All other strips when joining…
On right side:
K 1st st through the back loop.
To Join…K to last st. Leave last st on the left hand needle. With the right needle pick up both strands of the V on the strip to the left and place then on the left needle. K the last st that was left on the left needle together with the 2 strands of the V that were picked up.

On wrong side:
Slip 1st st with yarn in front, K to last st. Slip with yarn in front.

This is a fun, simple project for those times when I don’t want to think about what I’m knitting. Today I worked on it for nearly an hour while I read some emails and watched TV. I’m completely enjoying knitting this blanket and look forward to sitting under it in the fall and winter when it’s a bit larger.

Gone Knitting.